Monday, February 6, 2012


When the angle of the sun changes in autumn I rejoice.  Even the wind howls to a different tune as it weaves through the branches in the tops of the trees, and I know that before long we will be relishing the smells and the cool weather that comes with fall.

After winter has devastated my garden and left me thinking the grass will never be green again...

After the robins have arrived in early January and the flocks of grackles have blanketed the tops of the trees...

After I have grown weary of hauling the wood to the house and morning fires have lost their novelty...

I walk under the Redbud and hear the hum of bees.

They seem as thrilled with the blossoms as I am, as they flit to and from each purple pedal.

The boughs of this straggly weed-like-tree are sprinkled with the violet blooms, as if snow has gently dusted it. 

When I hear the buzz I know the end is near and that the spring garden is just around the corner.  I just wish someone could tell me why this tree is called a Redbud and not a Purplebud.  What plant tells you that spring is just a few short weeks away?
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