Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Review - "Named by God" by Kasey Van Norman

In "Named by God," Kasey Van Norman portrays  life when you choose to journey with God and live in the forgiveness God provides.

This book reviews how our present, past and our even our plans for the future affects our relationship with God.  If you feel as though you have spent your life dragging your childhood behind you, her advice on "The Healing Power of Letting Go," will set you on the right path to a brighter future.  In Part 2 -  "Transforming Your Present, she covers topics such as "Broken and Beautiful" and "Seizing His Plan for You."  And finally, in part 3 this book will help you "Embrace Your Future as a child of God."

Whether you are a new or mature Christian you will benefit from reading this book.  I was reminded of how God is always present in our pain and the importance of forgiving and moving on.   As you examine your past and present many of God's promises are outlined and help you to launch your vision for the future.  

I enjoyed this quick read as it reminded me of the simple aspects of Christianity that make life worth living.  If you know someone who is experiencing a plateau in their spiritual journey this would be a great gift.  Ms. Van Norman is especially affective in offering Biblical perspective on breaking free from the guilt of our past, embracing God's forgiveness for our souls, and moving on as a child of God and living a life that glorifies Him.

If the following excerpt tugs at your heart I encourage you to read this book.  You will not be disappointed.

"Are you feeling tempted to quit or remain complacent in your relationship with God right now?  Is there something God is calling you to do, but you're making excuses?  Instead of letting the uncertainties of life stop you or cause you to run int he other direction, all them to make you more faithful, more daring."

If you are the first person to tweet about this review I will send you a free copy.  Post the url to your tweet in the comment section.

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Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
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