Monday, November 7, 2011

The Blue Angels

Last week the Blue Angels came to town, and as home educators we were allowed the opportunity to watch the practice run on Friday afternoon.  The last time I had attended this arial show, my seventeen year old daughter had been in preschool.  

Unfortunately the unpredictable fall/winter weather in Jacksonville, Florida, had turned windy and chilly.  None of us came prepared and we were very thankful when a grandmother to one of the students, who lived nearby, joined us with loads of blankets, hats, and gloves.

The Blue angels were formed in 1946 and the original flight team named this performing squadron after the Blue Angel nightclub in New York City.  Although they travel the country doing these mind blowing, and down right frightening shows to entertain, these F/A 18 jets can be repainted and made combat ready in 72 hours.

The Navy and Marine aviators practice during the winter months, twice a day and six days a week.  After this training they generally serve for two years.  There are six planes flown throughout the show, with four in a dimond formation, at a slower speed, and two solo pilots that fly just under the speed of sound.

As I watched them perform nearly miraculous stunts, my emotions fluctuated with joy, pride a large dose of anxiety.  And even though I was constantly worried that something would go horribly wrong, I was shocked to learn, after I came home and did some reading, that 10% of these pilots die in accidents while performing.

All in all, I'd summarize this experience with one word - AMAZING.  

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