My right arm, also known as my oldest daughter, has decorated her room and left her mark in a most unusual way. Everything she loves and has experienced is featured on her bedroom walls, in a collage like manner.
I thought this was my favorite wall...
But then there is this one.
Every square inch is covered...
And she has the most eclectic tastes and vastly different combinations. These are her soccer medals suspended over Christmas ornaments that her Great Grandmother made.
Her planes, flags, cartoons, and boyfriend adorn this corner.
The ceilings sports planes, parachuters and more posters.
And this wall is really nice, too...
Our trip to New York a year ago is tacked up here, along with more soccer, Hello Kitty, and planes with a few more American flags interspersed in between.
Not everyone can display military aircraft on a flowered scrap of fabric and make it look good!
This deer skin was from an injured fawn that she tried to save. This is truly one of my favorite areas in her room, as it reminds me of when she was about eight years old.
And of area dedicated to super heroes I have to love that!
So which is my favorite? I don't know.
But I do know that she has a knack for making a room unique and stylish, and I don't even want to think of her moving out.
What do you suggest I do to keep her here?
This post is linked to Mama Kat's Losin it and Suburban Life Journal.