It is amazing to me how much of the yard that was without obvious life last week, is now covered in buds. The peach was only sticks and seven days later it is flocked with many tiny pink buds.
Only one has burst open...
This wisteria had the most amazing growth. There wasn't a single bud on this vine a week ago. Nothing! Now it has past this stage and sprouted full branches and small flower bunches.
The Cherokee rose had one bloom one week, and now it is blanketed with white blossoms. In a few weeks it will be all green and finished with blooms until next spring.
The amaryllis is about to release its trumpet like color.
My favorite growth this week was the Satsuma...I get chills considering all of the citrus this plant should produce in the fall.
So what does week three bring in your garden?
Upcoming this week on Savannah's Savory Bites - "How to cook with the basics" - Join us Thursday in the Hammock Tracks Family Forum as we discuss cooking without canned soups and prepared foods.